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House of Divisional Representatives

House Of Divisional Representatives

The House of Divisional Representatives comprises 70 (seventy) members and was elected by the municipal Councilors of the region. The House of Divisional Representatives reflects the sociological components of the region as well as gender. The House rules on all matters falling within the powers of the regional assembly.

“-It comprises 5 (five) committees, namely:

  • The Committee on Administrative and Legal Affairs and Standing Orders;
  • The Committee on Education;
  • The Committee on Health, Population, Social and Cultural Affairs, Youth and Sports.
  • The Committee on Finance, Infrastructure, Planning and Economic Development.
  • The Committee on Environment, Regional Development, State Property, Town Planning and Housing.

The President of the House of Divisional Representatives involves members of civil society in proceedings on specific issues, without voting right. These personalities may come from the Economic and Social Council, professional bodies or social groups interested in the issues under review.